A loveable series that is all about friendship. Baby butterfly and his animal friends remember fun times they had together, like the day they went to the beach, the day they did magic tricks, or the day they played in a band! Together they manage to overcome any difficulties because they know that staying friends is the most important thing of all.
butterfly serves as a model for toddlers watching and teaches them
how to deal with events in their everyday lives such as searching,
not always succeeding and so on. He is always optimistic, remembers
what his goal is, keeps trying and does not give up until he
ability to set a goal, to persist, to look for new and creative ways
and not to give up, this is the basis for our emotional intelligence.
What we did: Direction, 3D assets, animation, render, composite, effects, edition, mastering.
Format: 20 episodes x 4 minutes HD CGI
Status: On air on Baby TV channel